In about another two weeks, I’ll be saying “three years ago today, Jonas was born.” But with all the holiday preparation going on this year, I was reminded of this time three years ago, when we were eagerly awaiting Jonas’s arrival into the world. We kept telling Leo that he would soon have a new brother or sister (we chose to be surprised, as we were with Leo), but I can only imagine that he didn’t believe it would ever really happen.It was hard to imagine what life would be like with more than one little one to look after. How could anyone be as cute and fun as Leo?
I was a bit bigger three years ago than I am now. Here I am on December 24, at 38 weeks.
How did I feel? Tired at night, for sure, but overall, I felt pretty good. In some ways, pregnancy number 2 is harder – because you’re more tired from taking care of child #1. But that can also make it easier, because child #1 provides so much entertainment and distraction. Like this.
Merry Christmas Eve!
Aw, you look so cute! Happy birthday to Jonas!