Sparkling clean Marley the Dog

Sparkling clean Marley the Dog

When my 6-year-old, Leo, wrote on his Christmas list “A bath for the dog!!!!” I realized I couldn’t postpone the inevitable any longer. Marley needed a bath. This was a conundrum, because it was too cold to bathe her outside. Our 2nd floor tub no...
December in New York City!

December in New York City!

Last week I traveled to New York City for business. In addition to photography, I also work for a firm that conducts seminars throughout the country, and I’d been asked to attend our annual New York event. It was quite the complicated itinerary. Because my...
A look back at summer 2011

A look back at summer 2011

Labor Day is over, school is back in session and fall is right around the corner. Yay! I recently shared some highlights of our beach vacation, but thought I’d also share some of our other favorite summer moments. Enjoy! Leo’s end-of-soccer-season picnic....
Valentine’s Day Heartbreak…

Valentine’s Day Heartbreak…

… for three-year-olds. My little son, Jonas, has a girlfriend, Addie. I know, I know, they’re only three! So perhaps even more amazing is that they’ve been smitten with each other for almost two years. Both were very verbal before they turned two, so...
A quick trip to Charleston, South Carolina

A quick trip to Charleston, South Carolina

Two weeks ago I traveled with Matt to Charleston, South Carolina, while he attended a class there. This was our first trip ever away overnight alone together. Big thanks to my parents for coming all the way across Pennsylvania to watch the boys while we were away! We...
Three years ago today

Three years ago today

In about another two weeks, I’ll be saying “three years ago today, Jonas was born.” But with all the holiday preparation going on this year, I was reminded of this time three years ago, when we were eagerly awaiting Jonas’s arrival into the...