Our story begins during Christmas 2006 (and ends with a contest!), when we bought then almost-2-years-old Leo a Geotrax train set for Christmas. Matt assembled the train tracks, and Leo promptly destroyed them. He’d play with them for a little while, but...
This past Friday, I had a dream that there was an alligator in my house. I saw it in the hallway on the first floor and it scurried off into the office, a room with just one way in and out. While it wasn’t a full-grown alligator, it was no baby, either. Probably...
Recently, my brother-in-law, Zak, has taken up playing the piano, and has quickly mastered standards like Scott Joplin’s “The Entertainer.” Last week, Zak was over for dinner (my birthday!) and asked to look through some of my old music books. After...